Your guide to some of the best meteor showers for 2018
Don’t miss a single meteor shower this year! Here’s what to look out for in both the northern and southern skies.
Don’t miss a single meteor shower this year! Here’s what to look out for in both the northern and southern skies.
Stay up late or set your alarms; the Delta Aquarid meteor shower is sending shooting stars across the twilight sky this month.
Earth is about to make its annual pass through the tail of Halley’s Comet.
This week’s beautiful reader photo captures a shooting star and the Tasmanian coast bathed in the glow of the aurora.
Some meteor craters may have remained warm for hundreds of thousands of years, perhaps fostering Earth’s first life.
An asteroid impact zone 200km across – the third largest ever discovered – has been found in South Australia.
Australia has 30 impact craters out of 176 recognised worldwide. See our gallery of some of the best.