Should Australians have to keep pet cats indoors?
Two-thirds of Australians support banning pet cats from roaming. Researchers say a ban would save millions of native animals – and billions of dollars.
Two-thirds of Australians support banning pet cats from roaming. Researchers say a ban would save millions of native animals – and billions of dollars.
Just like their domesticated counterparts, it turns out feral cats can’t resist playing with a dangling feather boa.
An intensive program to remove feral cats has paved the way for the first reintroduction of a critically endangered native mouse species in New South Wales.
Millions of feral moggies devour billions of native Australian animals each year, bringing species to the edge of extinction.
Ecologist Claire Greenwell has dedicated her life to studying fairy terns, an endangered seabird. Now, she’s calling for the protection of other beach-nesting bird under threat.
A new study has found that long-nosed potoroos are capable of co-existing with a deadly predator.
Feral cats will travel many kilometres outside their home ranges to burnt areas to prey on vulnerable native animals exposed by bushfires.