Volunteer Mel Whiteside bottle feeds an orphaned joey at the Wandandian Kangaroo & Wallaby Sanctuary.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
The Ulladulla Civic centre, which acted as a disaster recovery centre during the crisis, is still a meeting point for locals.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
Slowly the bush begins to heal and new growth emerges from the burnt trees.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
Orphaned joeys feed at the “milk bar” at the Wandandian Kangaroo & Wallaby Sanctuary in the Shoalhaven region, on the NSW south coast. The biggest issue for many macropods caught in the bushfires is smoke inhalation.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
Burnt road signs are scattered along the highways, a sign of the searing heat that swept through the valley.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
Noel Butler inspects damage at
Nura Gunyu, an Aboriginal
education centre near Milton.
Almost daily they find new
seedlings bursting through
the ash and soil.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
An injured joey lays on bare soil at the Wandandian Kangaroo & Wallaby Sanctuary where he is slowly on the mend after receiving burns to his feet.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
Paul Williams overlooks the valley near his home, Banksia Park Cottages, Kangaroo Valley.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
Adrina Selles cleans an enclosure at the Wandandian Kangaroo & Wallaby Sanctuary. Volunteer Mel Whiteside organises bottle feeds
for the joeys.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
Alison Baker, Paul Williams, their daughter Jennifer Williams and dog Cooper overlook the valley near their home, Banksia Park Cottages, Kangaroo Valley.
Photo Credit: Thomas Wielecki
HomeTopicsWildlifeHealing in the communities of south-eastern NSW after the bushfires
Healing in the communities of south-eastern NSW after the bushfires
By Australian Geographic•6 May 2020
Orphaned joeys feed at the “milk bar” at the Wandandian Kangaroo & Wallaby Sanctuary in the Shoalhaven region, on the NSW south coast. The biggest issue for many macropods caught in the bushfires is smoke inhalation.Image credit: Thomas Wielecki