Among species that can be spotted from a boat in this lowland rainforest habitat are the little kingfisher, shining flycatcher, Papuan frogmouth and magnificent great-billed heron. Watch for crocodiles on the shoreline at low tide.
Photo Credit: JJ Harrison
There’s a range of habitats within cooee of here, from farmland to open forest and from mid-level rainforest to cloud forest at the summit of 1224m Mt Lewis. The blue-faced parrot-finch can be seen December—March.
Photo Credit: Wikicommons
Mareeba Wetlands
Freshwater lagoons amid dry tropical savannah on the Atherton Tableland provide habitat for dryland species including many raptors, wrens, finches, and water birds such as sarus cranes and black-necked storks. Open April—January.
Photo Credit: Jim Bendon
The Cairns Esplanade is recognised worldwide as a top viewing spot for flocks of Asiatic migratory waders. Among those regularly seen are red-necked stints, red knots, great knots, and lesser and greater sandpipers.
Photo Credit: JJ Harrison
The Crater-Mount Hypipamee National Park
This is a good example of upland rainforest with several endemic species, including Victoria’s riflebird — a bird of paradise with a fascinating mating dance. At the centre of the park is The Crater, an unusual volcanic pipe with a deep lake at the bottom.
Four hundred and fifty of Australia’s 828 known species of bird can be found in the wet tropics and 12 of them — including the southern cassowary, golden-shouldered parrot and Victoria’s riflebird — are endemics found nowhere else in the world. We’ve selected five birdwatching spots within easy reach of Cairns.