Banded huntsman, Holconia sp. (leg span up to 160 mm)
Sydney funnel-web Atrax robustus (female body 50 mm)
Jumping Cosmophasis sp. (body length 7 mm)
Redback, Latrodectus hasselti (female body 14 mm)
White-tailed, Lampona cylindrata (body 20 mm)
Wolf Lycosa sp. (body 35 mm)
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This patch of remnant bush on the edge of the West Australian wheatbelt is a place loved by one of Australia’s rarest bird species and the man who has studied the site for more than 50 years.
What started as a study to better understand how lobsters prey on sea urchins instead discovered sharks also predate on the pest.
When dead animals are left lying around in nature, who takes advantage of the free feed – carnivores or herbivores? The answer may surprise you.
Our much loved calendars and diaries are now available for 2024. Adorn your walls with beautiful artworks year round. Order today.
From cuddly companions to realistic native Australian wildlife, the range also includes puppets that move and feel like real animals.