Ten below: a hidden world just beneath the waves

By Jess Teideman 13 March 2015
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In his new exhibition of an on-going series, photographer Stephen Bakalich-Murdoch explores the amazing world just below the sea

PHOTOGRAPHER STEPHEN BAKALICH-MURDOCH explores what hides just under our view, mere inches almost, beneath the sea.

In a new series, titled Ten Below, he explores the underwater world thriving just out of our sight. 

In his own words, Stephen says:

“Reference anything beneath us and generally it precludes interest because it is just that, beneath us. Yet life at the smallest levels is equally intriguining as any imposing opposite, and in fact all is relative to the perspective with which the subject is viewed. Much like viewing earth from above.

Everthing below appears minute and indiscernible yet when grounded we understand and appreciate the vast complexity of that grounded perspective. Go beyond into the solar system or our galaxy and the same would be true.

Ten Below is a series of images exploring the unseen beauty of worlds within worlds. Thriving amongst Sydney’s rock pools and reef ledges, tidal shallows and crevices hides a fantastic realm of abstract, alien landscapes.

Variables such as tide, water quality, currents, rain, wind, cloud and positioning of the sun all affect the mood of the image. Rippled reflections vanish into a seemingly infinite void belie the true stature within and allude to a far greater size than the confines of my perspective.”

The exhibition opens March 20th 2015, in the Xavier Wing at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.