(Eucalyptus regnans)
The tallest is in Tasmania and stands at 99.6m.
(Eucalyptus globulus)
The tallest is in Tasmania and stands at 90.7m.
(Eucalyptus viminalis)
The tallest is in Tasmania and stands at 89m.
(Eucalyptus delegatensis)
The tallest is in Tasmania and stands at 87.9m.
(Eucalyptus obliqua)
The tallest is in Tasmania and stands at 86m.
(Eucalyptus nitens)
The tallest is in Victoria and stands at 85m.
(Eucalyptus diversicolor)
The tallest is in Western Australia and stands between 81m and 85m tall.
(Eucalyptus nobilis)
The tallest is in New South Wales and stands at 79m.
(Eucalyptus grandis)
The tallest is in Queensland and stands at 73m.
(Eucalyptus deanei)
The tallest is in New South Wales and stands at 71m.
(Eucalyptus cypellocarpa)
The tallest is in Victoria and stands at 71m.
Home Topics Science & Environment GALLERY: Eucalyptus, the tallest trees in Australia
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