
Tag: talking australia

How to survive sailing solo around Antarctica: Lisa Blair (Rebroadcast)

Talking Australia
How to survive sailing solo around Antarctica: Lisa Blair (Rebroadcast)
Lisa Blair is the first woman to sail solo and unassisted around Antarctica. The dangerous journey took her 184 days to finish and almost killed her when her mast broke in the middle of nowhere in giant seas. The courageous sailor survived the incident to fulfil her dream and tell her incredible story. It made her not only grow as a sailor but as a person. Since then she’s added another record to her belt: the first woman to circumnavigate Australia on her own. And as if all this isn’t enough, plans for a new adventure are already underway. Here you can find out more about Lisa´s adventures: This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Liz Ginis (Managing Editor Digital at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic

How Australia transmitted the Apollo missions broadcast: Andrew Tink (Rebroadcast)

Talking Australia
How Australia transmitted the Apollo missions broadcast: Andrew Tink (Rebroadcast)
In his book “Honeysuckle Creek – The story of Tom Reid, a little dish and Neil Armstrong’s first step” author Andrew Tink sets the story straight about Australia´s role in the Apollo 11 moon landing mission in 1969. In this episode he talks about Tom Reid, the mind behind the operation of the famous “Dish” near Canberra and how Tom and his team saved the world wide live broadcast of Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon and his very personal connection to the man that made it all happen in the tracking station in Honeysuckle Creek. Here you can find out more about Andrew´s work: This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Chrissie Goldrick (Editor-in-chief at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic

Building an Arch to protect Australia´s Wildlife: Tim Faulkner (Rebroadcast)

Talking Australia
Building an Arch to protect Australia´s Wildlife: Tim Faulkner (Rebroadcast)
Tim Faulkner is known for his deep passion for Australia´s wildlife and his conservational work with the Australian Reptile park. He’s also a highly energetic and beloved TV personality that tries to save the Tasmanian devil from extinction with the parks “Devil´s Arch” protection programs. The devils are getting wiped out by an aggressive and infectious cancer. Trying to protect a few of them in an enclosed territory might be the only hope for their survival. Tim talkes about his fascinating life and the way to starting the arch program and its huge success that lead to extending it to protect other native endangered species. Also he explains the difficult and labour intense process of running the anti-venom program for most of Australia´s poisonous spiders and snakes to save lifes. Tim reckons since the late 1950s the program saved roughly about 20.000 lives. For more info visit Or follow Tim on Instagram @timswildlife This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Chrissie Goldrick (Editor-in-chief at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic.

One woman’s extraordinary journey to row the Atlantic Ocean: Michelle Lee (Pt 2)

Talking Australia
One woman’s extraordinary journey to row the Atlantic Ocean: Michelle Lee (Pt 2)
Michelle Lee is a record-holding solo rower known for her crossing of the mighty Atlantic Ocean during the Talisker Atlantic Challenge, an annual ocean-rowing race. The sports’ fanatic loves a challenge and lives by the motto: “Dare to say yes!”, which is why she launched herself headfirst into tackling the 5000km long journey – solo and unassisted. But before that she had to learn how to row. She did that by taking on a world record – to become the fastest woman to row 1 million metres, on a Concept 2 rowing machine. Listen to Michelle’s story, her epic adventure and what’s next for this inspiring Aussie.  This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Liz Ginis (Managing Editor Digital at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak (   You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic

One woman’s extraordinary journey to row the Atlantic Ocean: Michelle Lee (Pt 1)

Talking Australia
One woman’s extraordinary journey to row the Atlantic Ocean: Michelle Lee (Pt 1)
Michelle Lee is a record-holding solo rower known for her crossing of the mighty Atlantic Ocean during the Talisker Atlantic Challenge, an annual ocean-rowing race. The sports’ fanatic loves a challenge and lives by the motto: “Dare to say yes!”, which is why she launched herself headfirst into tackling the 5000km long journey – solo and unassisted. But before that she had to learn how to row. She did that by taking on a world record – to become the fastest woman to row 1 million metres, on a Concept 2 rowing machine. Listen to Michelle’s story, her epic adventure and what’s next for this inspiring Aussie.  This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Liz Ginis (Managing Editor Digital at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak (   You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic

When a single cat wiped out an entire colony of fairy terns: Claire Greenwell

Talking Australia
When a single cat wiped out an entire colony of fairy terns: Claire Greenwell
Ecologist Claire Greenwell has dedicated her life to studying Western Australia’s fairy terns, an endangered seabird.

How indigenous thinking can save the world: Tyson Yunkaporta

Talking Australia
How indigenous thinking can save the world: Tyson Yunkaporta
Tyson Yunkaporta belongs to the Apalech Clan from Western Cape York and is the author of the award winning book “Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World”. He is also a senior lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges, a published poet and exhibited artist. On this episode Tyson talks about his book and the great value of indigenous knowledge that goes way beyond environmental and conservational topics and is often overlooked when it comes to finding solutions to complex issues such as history, education, money or power.   This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Angela Heathcote (Digital Producer at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak (   You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic

Helping people to achieve the unthinkable: Joe Bonington

Talking Australia
Helping people to achieve the unthinkable: Joe Bonington
Joe Bonington is the founder of Joe’s Basecamp, a highly specialised training gym on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. The master adventure fitness trainer and son of legendary British mountaineer Sir Chris Bonington has been helping people to achieve amazing goals for almost 20 years. His gift is to help ordinary people to unlock their full potential to achieve things they never thought possible. On this episode Joe talks about his training philosophy, the right mindset and how juggling and doing handstands are a great way to enhance your performance level. He also shares his darker past and the moment he decided to fill his life with purpose and share his guidance to help others become the best possible version of themselves. This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Justin Walker (Editor Australian Geographic Adventure) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic

How 10 minutes a day can change your life: Di Westaway (Rebroadcast)

Talking Australia
How 10 minutes a day can change your life: Di Westaway (Rebroadcast)
Di Westaway is the leader of her so called “tribe” of 40,000 Australian women who found a way to be active, enjoy nature and the outdoors even after becoming working or full-time mums caught up with every day life struggles. Di wanted to escape that hamster wheel and founded Wild Women on Top, an organisation that helps women to achieve their goals, whether that’s a long hike with like-minded friends or conquering a high-altitude summit in some remote parts of the world. Strength lies in numbers and that’s why the Fred Hollows Foundation jumped on board from the very beginning. Together they have managed to raise more than $20 million for good causes. Here you can find out more about Di: This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Liz Ginis (Managing Editor Digital at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic.

A rock climber in her own league: Angie Scarth-Johnson

Talking Australia
A rock climber in her own league: Angie Scarth-Johnson
At age 7 Australian rock climbing sensation Angie Scarth-Johnson was already climbing grades that other rock climbers spend years and years to figure out. Now the 16 year old rock climbing sensation is already in a league of her own and eying to represent Australia in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. On this episode Angie shares her path to discovering her passion and her latest endeavours including the launch of her film ‘Pacific lines’ that was two years in the making and follows her on an adventure to a remote island in the south pacific where she creates a new climbing route and connects with her heritage. This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Justin Walker (Editor Australian Geographic Adventure) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic