Need for speed led to seal swim evolution
A need for speed led to some seals and sea lions evolving larger front flippers to help catch fast-swimming prey like penguins, Australian researchers say.
A need for speed led to some seals and sea lions evolving larger front flippers to help catch fast-swimming prey like penguins, Australian researchers say.
A radical trial treating a sinister parasite in newborn Australian sea lion pups could help rescue the species.
A young fur seal nicknamed ‘Elvis’ has been released back into the wild after being washed ashore by Sydney’s recent wild storms.
A seal takes a ride on a humpback whale off the NSW southern coast
Australian sea lions and Australian and New Zealand fur seals are the only species that breed on and around Australia’s mainland and near-shore islands. Energetic creatures, these sea lions are contributing to the recently developed national Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), which employs oceanographic instrumentation on ships, moorings and buoys to map and monitor the marine environment right around Australia.
Researchers brave the aptly named Dangerous Reef to undertake groundbreaking research on the rare – and playful – Australian sea lion.
Australian and New Zealand fur seal populations in Victoria are recovering after being on the brink
Penguins, elephant seals, and sea birds are in abundance in the Antarctic. Here are just some of them.