Reader photo: Saltwater crocodile
A saltwater crocodile snapped in the Kimberley region is this week’s reader photo.
A saltwater crocodile snapped in the Kimberley region is this week’s reader photo.
Dominant crocodiles rule over large territories and fight off other males, new research suggests.
Australia is home to some of the most dangerous animals in the world. But the deadliest will surprise you.
Some turtles can halt the development of their eggs until the timing is right, new research has revealed.
A knob-tailed gecko in its defensive position is captured in this week’s AG reader photo.
Crocodile jaw strength can be measured by length, new research has revealed – and shorter is better.
Two new species of brightly-coloured rainbow skink have been identified by experts.
The western swamp tortoise is resurging, helped by humans – but climate change still looms as a threat.
Anolis lizards have been shown to have “higher intelligence” by swiftly adapting behaviour to changing circumstances.