
Tag: outback

Exploring Outback Australia: Ron Moon

Talking Australia
Exploring Outback Australia: Ron Moon
Outback travel expert Ron Moon has seen more of Australia than most. He has spent much of his life exploring and writing about Australia’s remote areas and adventures, including retracing journeys of early European explorers. He fashioned a life based on his love for 4WD touring, camping, bird watching, diving, hunting, canoeing and fishing. He has also ignited that flame for multitudes of people through his writing. This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Justin Walker (Editor Australian Geographic Adventure) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic


Surviving the Kimberley

To experience the predicament that almost killed two stranded German aviators in 1932, a modern-day adventurer sets off solo into the Kimberley with only minimal supplies.


1987: One year in the wilderness

Apart from radio contact with the RFDS base at Derby, 240km away, Mike Cusack, a ranger, and his wife Susan, a naturopath, were left entirely alone, by Australian Geographic, to survive for a year in 1987 in the remote Kimberley. Last Wednesday they received a special commemorative award on behalf of AG.