Join Outback Spirit and discover the spiritual heart of Australia on this all-inclusive 6-day tour.
Bloody territorial behaviour captured in South Australian outback.
Bush Heritage reserve managers and field staff guide us through the uncertain months that lie ahead.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the iconic road adventure – the Shitbox Rally.
On Tuesday evening, a dust storm hit Mildura in Victoria, cloaking the town, swiftly turning day into night.
To experience the predicament that almost killed two stranded German aviators in 1932, a modern-day adventurer sets off solo into the Kimberley with only minimal supplies.
The colours and patterns of these outback insects may be pretty, but they’re mostly for defence.
Apart from radio contact with the RFDS base at Derby, 240km away, Mike Cusack, a ranger, and his wife Susan, a naturopath, were left entirely alone, by Australian Geographic, to survive for a year in 1987 in the remote Kimberley. Last Wednesday they received a special commemorative award on behalf of AG.
The Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara, or Aboriginal APY lands, cover 103,000 in the far northwest of South Australia.