Mozzie numbers are booming: giant ones, tiny ones, deadly ones. Which ones should you look out for?
Australia has around 300 mosquito species and they’re everywhere right now. Here’s what you need to know.
Australia has around 300 mosquito species and they’re everywhere right now. Here’s what you need to know.
The Unicode Consortium has just announced that alongside your smiling face – or perhaps crying face – emoji you’ll soon be able to add a mosquito.
The warm weather is beckoning us into the backyard but pesky bloodsuckers are waiting.
The successful clinical trials are a big step in the worldwide effort to combat malaria, which kills around 500,000 people every year.
The emergence of a little-known virus, Zika, from an African forest, is the latest to alarm the public.
At a village community in the Solomon Islands, an international team of researchers is discovering the secrets of a malaria-transmitting mosquito that harbours a deadly secret weapon. who revel in the challenge of raw, unpredictable lines.