Cats away! Now the mice can play
An intensive program to remove feral cats has paved the way for the first reintroduction of a critically endangered native mouse species in New South Wales.
An intensive program to remove feral cats has paved the way for the first reintroduction of a critically endangered native mouse species in New South Wales.
Researchers propose a frozen koala sperm ‘biobank’ is the best long-term solution – and most cost-effective way – to save Australia’s iconic koala.
It’s a breeding bonanza for this endangered species of Aussie seahorse.
Clive Phillips argues in favour of a major shift away from the role of zoos as visitor attractions. He says, instead, zoos should reestablish themselves as important educational facilities.
Some animals bred in captivity often lack the skills needed to survive in the wild. But the Tasmanian devil is showing it’s a natural born killer.
Traits that help possums thrive in captivity may be detrimental in the wild.
Yesterday the death of a baby Asian elephant at Taronga Zoo left us feeling decidedly flat. Elephants have an onerously long gestation period of somewhere between 600 and 660 days…
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock in the mountain-goat’s enclosure the last few days, you would have heard about the ‘miracle’ baby elephant, born to Taronga Zoo inhabitant Porntip early yesterday morning.
A white kiwi, only the third of its kind in captivity, has hatched at a nature reserve on NZ’s North Island.
We quizzed Erin, a bird trainer, about rehabilitating an injured peregrine falcon.