
Tag: birds of australia


GALLERY: stunning flocks of budgies in Alice Springs

During the hot, dry summer months, Alice Springs is often beset by a beautiful plague – flocks of thousands of green budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) in search of increasingly scarce sources of water. Photographer Steven Pearce says that there was around 4000 birds congregating around the waterhole just after dawn.


GALLERY: The colourful robins of central Victoria

The boulder-strewn open woodlands of central Victoria are sometimes referred to as the “robinfields”. It’s probably the only area where you can hope to see, in the one place, nine of the 20 species in the Australian robin family.


Birds that farm

Australia has the only birds in the world to have been seriously described as farmers. Bell miners tend ‘herds’ of bugs, whose sweet coverings they harvest as their staple food.


5 top birdwatching spots in the Wet Tropics

Four hundred and fifty of Australia’s 828 known species of bird can be found in the wet tropics and 12 of them — including the southern cassowary, golden-shouldered parrot and Victoria’s riflebird — are endemics found nowhere else in the world. We’ve selected five birdwatching spots within easy reach of Cairns.