#Reviewforscience: scientists are reviewing Amazon products and it’s hilarious

By AG Staff 31 January 2018
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The hashtag #reviewforscience on Twitter is giving us a whole lot of insight into how scientists are using everyday products for very questionable, but important experiments.

SCIENTISTS HAVE taken to Twitter with the hashtag #reviewforscience, giving us the gory detail of all the different ways they use everyday tools for scientific experiments.

The trend took off after PhD student Robyn Womack discovered a review on Amazon by zoologist John Birch who left a four-star rating for a set of tea strainers, but it wasn’t your typical review.

“To be honest these were not used to strain tea but in a zoology experiment involving ants,” John wrote. “Basically, ants from one colony were inside the strainers which were then placed in another colony. The holes were small enough to prevent ants from getting in or out.”

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review for science

review for science

review for science

review for science

review for science

review for science