The beer that could save the Tasmanian freshwater lobster

THE GIANT Tasmanian freshwater lobster (Astacopsis gouldi), threatened by poaching and land clearing, may just be saved by the average Australian beer drinker.
The Wilderness Society and the Tasmanian brewer MOO Brew have launched a $20,000 crowdfunding campaign to create ‘Giant Lobster Ale’ in a bid to gain approval for a new recovery plan, formulated by the Wilderness Society, that looks to create small safe havens across various forests and rivers.
The conservationists confirmed that the very first case of Giant Lobster Ale will be sent to the Federal Environment Minister, Josh Frydenberg in the hope that he’ll sign off on the new plan to ensure the survival of the vulnurable species.
“We really need the government to act now to ensure these lobsters have a fighting chance. What’s required is well understood and not unreasonable, they simply cannot survive without the protection of core habitat areas,” said the Wilderness Society’s Tasmanian Campaign Manager, Vica Bayley.
Todd ‘The Lobster Man’ Walsh- Aquaculturalist.(Image Credit)
The Wilderness Society has long been concerned about the state government’s logging activities, particularly their most recent push to log 356,000 hectares of protected forests, which was defeated in the upper house of parliament in June of this year.
Conservationists and brewery officials are hopeful that Aussie beer drinkers will embrace the new craft beer given that, back in the day the lobster used to help bush men crack open their beers.
“This legendary creature helped beer drinkers back in the day, so now it’s our turn. We believe Aussie beer drinkers will embrace the win-win situation where drinking a refreshing ale is also helping to save a legendary Australian beastie,” said The Wilderness Society’s National Creative Director, Rob Beamish.
You can follow the crownfunding link HERE.