Aerial view of country surrounding the Limmen Bight River, traditionally owned by the Marra Aboriginal people of the Gulf region.
Cliffs eroded by wind and water over time in the rock formations of the Lost City in the east of the park.
Aboriginal hand prints on the rock formations of the Lost City in the east of Limmen NP.
The sun sets over the Towns River in Limmen National Park.
The country surrounding the Limmen Bight, and the Towns and Roper rivers is traditionally owned by the Marra Aboriginal people of the Gulf region. Here are rangers from the Yugul Mangi Rangers who will help manage the park.
Limmen National Park is situated on the western side of the Gulf of Carpentaria, in the Top End of the Northern Territory. Aerial view of Maria Island in the country traditionally owned by the Marra Aboriginal people of the Gulf region.
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Gallery: New national park in the Northern Territory