One planet

For the last 60 years, Sir David Attenborough has devoted his life to documenting our incredible world, and all its amazing creatures and places.
His latest project – A Life on Our Planet – with Netflix, is a moving first-hand witness statement by David. It details how very badly things are going right now for the planet – and – by logical extension us. It is a must-watch for everyone but definitely have your tissues on hand!

In celebration of David’s great work we wanted to find out some lesser know facts about one of our planet’s most wonderful people. Did you know these 10 little-known facts?
(1) David has a whopping 32 degrees.
(2) He was a naval officer for two years.
(3) In his early days in TV, David was told his teeth were too big for the screen!
(4) There are more than 15 plants and animals named after him, including Attenborosaurus Conybeari or Attenborough’s lizard.
(5) He loves staying up late at night to read books.
(6) After he finishes making a documentary he rarely if ever watches them again.
(7) He was born in 1926 (he is currently 94) and is the same age as Queen Elizabeth II.
(8) His middle name is Frederick.
(9) David is terrified of rats!
(10) He doesn’t own a car and has never had his driver’s license.
You can learn more above David’s work here