Eyes on the prize

I captured this Red-eyed or Orange-eyed tree frog (Litoria chloris) after rain in Springbrook National Park, south-east Queensland. I was out frogging with a mate and we could hear quite a few different frog species calling. As we approached the rainforest stream we were deafened by the sounds of around 40 males calling to find a mate – their call a series of moans followed by soft trills,” says Ethan.
“This species favours coastal rainforest and mountain streams, and can be found in large numbers after spring and summer downpours. The frogs were scattered on the rocks and vegetation around the stream as they hoped to serenade a mate, enter amplexus (mating position where the male grasps the female from the back) and lay eggs. I spotted this individual 2m up on a branch, and in between his moans and trills I got this photo. His bright hue of green and yellow stood out among the other individuals. We left him calling and hoped he got lucky to pass on his genes. I personally believe these are one of Australia’s most beautiful and photogenic frog species!”
Photographed a Canon 7D Mark II body, Tamron 90mm Macro lens and handheld external flash.
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