AG reader photo: baby wombat
A MOTHER AND BABY wombat make cute subjects for this week’s Australian Geographic Flickr shot by contributor David Whyte.
“The photo was taken while I was on a cross country ski trip heading towards White Rivers Hut in the Snowy Mountains,” says David. “I saw the mother and baby walking along beside the creek and as I didn’t have a zoom lens I slowly edged my way closer. The wombats didn’t seem concerned about my presence at all though the baby did climb up on its mothers back.
I have just moved from Canberra where I lived for 20 years where I was a regular bushwalker and crosscountry skier, and a keen photographer. I have now retired and moved to Lake Macquarie and although it’s a bit far from the snow I still am still a regular walker and kayaker.”
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This pic appeared in the Australian Geographic Flickr group. Share your own photography and it could be featured on Australian Geographic online!
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