
Tag: tyson yunkaporta

How indigenous thinking can save the world: Tyson Yunkaporta

Talking Australia
How indigenous thinking can save the world: Tyson Yunkaporta
Tyson Yunkaporta belongs to the Apalech Clan from Western Cape York and is the author of the award winning book “Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World”. He is also a senior lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges, a published poet and exhibited artist. On this episode Tyson talks about his book and the great value of indigenous knowledge that goes way beyond environmental and conservational topics and is often overlooked when it comes to finding solutions to complex issues such as history, education, money or power.   This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Angela Heathcote (Digital Producer at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak (   You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic