Whale song patterns follow a universal law of human language
Human languages display a pattern known as Zipf’s law. Now, researchers have found the same pattern in whale song.
Human languages display a pattern known as Zipf’s law. Now, researchers have found the same pattern in whale song.
Octopuses are sparking innovation and inspiring us in ways we never thought possible.
As humpback and southern right whales return to Antarctica at the tail end of their annual migration, east coast whale watchers may think the show will soon be over. But some whale species are still here, possibly year-round. And we need to find out more about them.
It’s one of nature’s strangest mysteries that has baffled humans for millennia.
Sure, we’ve got killer white sharks and deadly box jellyfish, but Australia’s waters boast many more dangerous marine creatures that aren’t so well known. Here are 10 of them.
The heart of a dead rare whale has been buried by traditional owners as part of a cultural ceremony. Here’s why.
Australia abounds in mesmerising marine life. Here’s where you can have the best aquatic encounters around the country.
New research conducted with the help of Australian scientists has found oceanic shark and ray numbers have dropped more than 70 per cent in 50 years.
The world’s sharks are in trouble. They need our help and their time is running out. Today there are more than 140 sharks on the endangered list. Over fishing (mainly for their fins) and climate change are putting many at critical risk. Explorers caught up with marine biologist Blake Chapman to separate truth from fiction…. View Article
Upon being swallowed, the snake eel can burst through a predator’s stomach.