Island of bounties
With ties to a colourful past, Norfolk Island is a remote speck in the Pacific where fresh produce, sea views and pine-studded pastures abound. Yachtswoman Jessica Watson discovers its homegrown treasures.
With ties to a colourful past, Norfolk Island is a remote speck in the Pacific where fresh produce, sea views and pine-studded pastures abound. Yachtswoman Jessica Watson discovers its homegrown treasures.
Australia’s Norfolk Island, located 1471km east of Brisbane in the Pacific Ocean, is the result of a volcano that existed some 2-3 million years ago. Its human history features inhabitants including Polynesians, First Fleeters, convicts and mutineers. Today, it is also perhaps Australia’s most remote community. We sent Australian yachtswoman Jessica Watson to discover Norfolk Island’s homegrown treasures. Read her full feature in AG#136, out now.