Alarming green turtle baby boom an all-female affair
The world’s largest green turtle rookery, near the tip of Australia, is only churning out girls but scientists are working on a plan to bring the boys back.
The world’s largest green turtle rookery, near the tip of Australia, is only churning out girls but scientists are working on a plan to bring the boys back.
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Photographer Bryce Forrest was lucky enough to capture one of nature’s greatest spectacles— a green sea turtle hatching. These little guys made their way down Boambee Beach in Coffs Harbour, NSW. But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Within the first few days of being laid, a huge king tide hit and we weren’t sure the eggs were going to make it,” Bryce said. The high tide had washed a lot of sand over the nest meaning these guys had extra far to crawl and dig, which meant they would have less energy. Eventually it was decided that the nest would be excavated and over 70 little turtle were able to make their way safely to sea. Here, you can see their journey.
Marine scientist and photographer Justin Gilligan reports on a project tagging turtles in New South Wales for the first time.