Australia’s greater glider, the clumsy possum
Part of the ringtail possum family, this greater glider lacks the typical prehensile tail
Part of the ringtail possum family, this greater glider lacks the typical prehensile tail
This freshwater turtle uses its unique snout like a twin snorkel
The females of this species often conserve energy by hibernating during much of a pregnancy
This quite serious looking frog, often mistaken for a toad, would put a frown on any predator with its gooey defence.
This South-East Asian squirrel is one mighty long animal, from nose to tail.
Little is known about why this lobster has a particularly large and unusual claw.
This delicate beauty is possibly a new species of eel or cusk-eel
A close relative of the recently declared Australian humpback dolphin, the Hong Kong pink dolphin is at risk of extinction
Like balls of fluff, cuscus species are some of the most adorable marsupials on the planet.
Some species of pearlfish have chosen an interesting host shelter: inside the anus of a sea cucumber.