Sparky the Wonder Puppy

Sparky the Wonder Puppy was written in published in response to the 2019-20 ‘Black Summer’ bushfires. Among other things, we wanted to provide a tool to enable children, parents and teachers to talk about the bushfires, and to help them understand and vocalise their grief and trauma. This valuable resource will help children to share and understand their experiences of those fires and the fires that are to come.

We hope that this story will provide a true account of the bushfire crisis, and provide a positive story of bravery, kindness, hope, reliance, survival and community spirit.

Further resources that may be helpful in discussing these or other extreme weather events with children include:

Kids Helpline

How to talk to children about bushfires – Save The Children

Talking to children about bushfires – Better Health Victoria

Talking to children – Parent’s Guide – Australian Red Cross