Donate and help us monitor quokka populations
Quokka populations have reduced drastically over the past 100 years due to threats such as introduced predators like foxes and cats, habitat destruction and disease. It is now listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Rottnest Island off the coast of Western Australia is home to Australia’s largest population with more than 10,000 individuals, although threats, such as climate change and disease still pose a risk to the animals.
With support from the Rottnest Foundation, The Rottnest Island Environment team monitor the Island’s quokka population to help detect changes, which may signal the need for management actions. However, the size of the island makes it challenging to monitor large parts of the quokkas’ habitat.
Your support will help purchase remote cameras, which will enable the continuous 24/7 monitoring of large areas of the Island, helping to ensure quokkas are protected and visitors to the island can still enjoy these magic encounters.
Donate now.