Environmental scholarships underway
Seven top students have begun their environment work after being awarded a BAYERboost scholarship for the 2011-2012 summer holidays.
The scholarship funds have gone to help research endangered species, climate change and pollution.
Winners for the scholarship were selected from applicants across the country. These students are bright and passionate about environmental conservation and restoration in Australia.
Mathew Fraser of the University of Western Australia, was awarded one of three $6000 scholarships for his proposal to help in the conservation and research of Shark Bay, WA.
Third-year student Lily Leahy of the University of Tasmania was also awarded a scholarship to work with Dr Menna Jones studying the impacts of Tasmanian devil decline in shaping ecosystems.
Kelly Fox, a second-year student at the University of Queensland won a scholarship for her proposal to help researchers reconstruct the history of storms and cyclones along the WA coastline during the past 7000 years.
In partnership with Bookend Trust, a further four enthusiastic Year 12 students have also been awarded the shared 10-week, $10,000 research fund. The students awarded, all from Rosny College in Tasmania, are Bridget Dickenson, Aden Handasyde, Katie Mulder and Sophie Warren. These lucky year 12 students even get to experience a jump out of helicopter.
“This type of scholarship is so important because it gives students vital hands-on experience working outdoors. Such practical experience is the single most important thing in building knowledge about the natural environment,” says Simon Cherriman, Australian Geographic Young Conservationist of the Year 2010 says.
The annual scholarship scheme is aimed at giving senior secondary school and undergraduate tertiary students like these experience in environmental research or restoration during their summer break. To apply for a Bayerboost scholarship and for more information visit the bayerboost website. www.bayerboost.com.au
Email [email protected] for an application form and guidelines.