
Category: Science & Environment

Science & Environment

GALLERY: Australia’s desert landscapes

An arid country, 18% of Australia is considered desert and it is home to the sixth biggest desert in the world, the Great Victoria Desert. Virtually uninhabited by humans, Australia’s desert landscapes contain unique and resilient endemic plants and animals.

Science & Environment

GALLERY: 10 amazing images of Australia from space

It can be easy to feel forgotten in Australia, residing as we do in the planet’s more sparsely populated southern hemisphere – but one place where Earthling hemisphere bias loses significance is when looking down on the globe from space. Enjoy these 10 stunning NASA images of different parts of Australia, many taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station.

Science & Environment

Alien oceans: what lies beneath

Over the past 50 years space exploration has revealed that oceans exist on the moons of other planets in our Solar System. But what exactly – if anything – lives beneath the surface of these otherworldly seas?