Swimming kangaroo takes paddlers by surprise

“After a long week of surfing around the Ulladulla region on the New South Wales South Coast, my mates and I decided to spend our last afternoon before returning to Melbourne relaxing in the sun beside the tranquil aqua waters of Narrawallee Creek inlet,” says photographer Phil Skeggs.
“I also brought my trusty Canon Powershot in case there was an opportunity to get snaps of white-bellied sea eagles I knew to frequent the area.
“As I scanned the skies, my friend Rob swam across to a nearby sandspit exposed by the low tide. Minutes later he called out and pointed to a large Eastern Grey kangaroo that had appeared near the edge of the sandspit from the adjoining nature reserve.
“It can be seen here passing two pied oystercatchers on an estuary sandbar.”

The following images, all taken by Phil, capture the rare and exciting sequence of events that followed:

Watch the full video of the chance encounter here: