HUMPBACK WHALE, MEGAPTERA NOVAEANGLIAE. Scott Portelli, New South Wales. The moment when a 40-tonne female and her calf glide by is a privilege to say the least. Each year humpback whales migrate to warmer waters to mate and give birth, and it is an honour to witness this miracle of nature. Kingdom of Tonga. Canon EOS 5D Mk II, Canon 16-35mm, 1/200, f/6.3, ISO 250
Photo Credit: Scott Portelli
LEOPARD SHARK, TRIAKIS SEMIFASCIATA. The very graceful form of a leopard shark displaying its trademark long tail. These beautiful sharks are a common summertime visitor to Julian Rocks and a major drawcard for scuba divers. Julian Rocks, Byron Bay, New South Wales. Canon 5D Mk II, Canon EF 8-15mm fisheye, 1/125, f/8, ISO 320, two Ikelite DS161 strobes, Aquatica housing with 4″ mini dome, handheld.
Photo Credit: Matti Ovaska
CLOWNFISH FAMILY: AMPHIPRIONINAE. Wayne Osborn, Western Australia. A trio of clownfish shelter in the protective tentacles of their host. Wakatobi, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Canon EOS 5D Mk III, Canon 100mm AF Macro, 1/200, f/16, ISO 200, two Inon strobes, Nauticam housing.
Photo Credit: Wayne Osborn
DWARF MINKE WHALE, BALAENOPTERA ACUTOROSTRATA. Wayne Osborn, Western Australia. A curious dwarf minke whale banks, pivoting on its pectoral fins and making eye contact. Ribbon Reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. Canon EOS 5D Mk III, 16-35mm Canon AF Lens, 1/200, f/10, ISO 400, Nauticam housing, Zen dome port.
Photo Credit: Wayne Osborn
EASTERN GREY KANGAROO, MACROPUS GIGANTEUS. The other roos had seen this many times and merely sat drenched and depressed waiting for the storm to pass. The young bucks had something to prove, rearing back onto their tails to intimidate each other into submission. Geehi, New South Wales. Nikon D800e, Sigma 150-500mm f/5-6.3, 1/1250, f/6.3, ISO 4000, Really Right Stuff TS 33 tripod, Really Right Stuff BH-55 ball head
Photo Credit: Charles H Davis
CRACK WILLOW, SALIX FRAGILIS. On the shores of Lake Wanaka there is a tree like no other. I found it by headlamp under starry skies, and as night turned to dawn it revealed itself in full autumn colour. I was enthralled by the magic of the scene and found that black and white best captured the beauty of the moment. Lake Wanaka, South Island, New Zealand. Canon EOS 5D Mk II, Canon 24-105mm, 30, f/10, ISO 100
Photo Credit: Jordan Ek
HUMPBACK WHALE, MEGAPTERA NOVAEANGLIAE. A humpback whale surfaces on the northern Austral winter migration. The whale had begun to exhale before breaking the surface, leaving a progressive trail of bubbles. Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, Canon EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM, 1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 400, handheld
Photo Credit: Pam Osborn
Kah Kit Yoong, Victoria. Noticing storm clouds and fog building up in the late afternoon, I headed to Cradle Mountain to photograph the changing weather conditions at sunset. By the time I arrived, the entire mountain was already shrouded in thick cloud. A momentary clearing allowed a quick glimpse of the double horns, and I managed to set up in time to capture this spectral formation as it floated across. Cradle Mountain, Tasmania. Canon EOS 5D Mk III, Canon 16-35mm 2.8L II, 30, f/9, ISO 100, Really Right Stuff TQC 14 tripod, BH-30 ball head
Photo Credit: Kah Kit Yoong
RED-BELLIED BLACK SNAKE, PSEUDECHIS PORPHYRIACUS. Although these venomous snakes are not aggressive and prefer to avoid humans, I was happy to be taking the portrait of this red-bellied black snake in a safe environment at Taronga Zoo. Taronga Zoo, Sydney, New South Wales. Nikon D3S, Nikkor 105 f/2.8, 1/400, f/3, ISO 450
RED-BELLIED BLACK SNAKE, PSEUDECHIS PORPHYRIACUS. Although these venomous snakes are not aggressive and prefer to avoid humans, I was happy to be taking the portrait of this red-bellied black snake in a safe environment at Taronga Zoo. Taronga Zoo, Sydney, New South Wales. Nikon D3S, Nikkor 105 f/2.8, 1/400, f/3, ISO 450