Abandoned woolshed at Widnerpool Creek, Longreach, QLD.
Roustabout Joanne Crawford throws a fleece as Helen Alexander looks on, Willoughby woolshed, Barcaldine, QLD. Willoughby is owned by Don and Helen Alexander.
Acacia Downs woolshed, Mattaburra, QLD.
Katanning, WA, sheep sales. Sheep are mostly sold to the live export trade and abattoirs.
Acacia Downs woolshed, Muttaburra, QLD.
River Nichols and her pup on Sunshine Farm, Ceduna, WA.
A shearer clicks off another sheep during crutching work at Kalka woolshed, Calca, SA.
Cookhouse at Lower Landsdown woolshed, Tambo, QLD.
Kelpie Ziggy working sheep, Kalka woolshed, Calca, SA.
The shearing board at Elston woolshed, Wycheproof, VIC.
Drafting sheep at Elston woolshed, Wycheproof, VIC.
Elston, Wycheproof, VIC.
Andrew Borgmeyer takes a break, Lake Repose shearing shed, Glenthompson, VIC.
New Zealand Shearer Jim Barnett at Grassdale Estate shearing shed, Merino, VIC.
Drover Dennis Collier from Jerilderie, in a caravan at a drovers’ camp near Hay, NSW.
Shearers Geoff Ford and Brett Dickson at West Cloven Hills shearing shed, Camperdown, VIC.