Whales to insects: a dingo’s breakfast on K’gari
Research shows that the diet of K’gari dingoes ranges from bandicoots to iPods. What can be done to maintain a healthy population on the island?
Research shows that the diet of K’gari dingoes ranges from bandicoots to iPods. What can be done to maintain a healthy population on the island?
Australia’s largest land predator has been found to be resistant to one of its biggest threats – changes in skull shape caused by cross-breeding with domestic dogs.
Conservationists are working hard to create a safe gene pool of purebred dingoes as insurance
Twenty years ago, the world’s largest sand island was inscribed on the World Heritage List, turning this local secret into one of Australia’s must-sees.
While the feral cats are away, the dusky hopping mice can come out to play – thanks to the help of dingoes
The genes of dingoes, dogs and wolves suggests they all evolved from a long gone ancestor, turning existing theories of dog origins on their heads.
The dingo has been given its own species status, recognising that it is not descended from dogs or wolves.
Culling dingoes may be worse for ecosystems than keeping the predators, a new study says.
The ability of wild dingoes to react to social cues from humans sets them apart from wolves in the smarts department, a new study shows.
AG has won cover of the year at industry night The Maggies, for a photograph with a story.