Recent projects: Community
The Society’s community sponsorships are awarded to individuals and groups to assist with conservation and cultural initiatives, often at a grassroots level.
Preserving Parramatta Observatory
With the help of the AGS, Parramatta Park Trust has undertaken archaeological investigation and historical research at the site of the Parramatta Observatory in Sydney’s west. The private observatory was built by Governor Thomas Brisbane in 1822 at the Government Domain (now Parramatta Park) and demolished in 1847, and was used by many early astronomers and surveyors. The trust hopes the work will help to conserve the site for future generations.
Project AE1
Renowned diver and underwater photographer Mark Spencer and members of the Project AE1 team will investigate some possible sites that may represent the wreck of the Australian World War I submarine AE1, lost off Rabaul PNG in October, 1914 with all hands. Following the AE1’s designated course they will search for the wreck with magnetometer and side-scan sonar. Diving to depths of 130 m, Mark and the team will photo-document the wreck if found. This project may bring an end to the mystery of the loss of Australia’s first submarine. Mark and the team hope the project will higlight a neglected part of the country’s heritage and bring closure for the descendents of those lost on the AE1.
Read about other projects that we’ve sponsored: