Happy World Wetlands Day!

When people think of wetlands they probably think of a dark dingy swamp – not a very inviting place to visit unless you’re in search of a frog to kiss!
But Australia’s wetlands are some of the most beautiful and diverse areas of biological activity, represented in every state. We have 65 wetlands covering over 7.5 million hectares that are designated as Ramsar wetlands. This means that they are rare or unique and important for conserving biological diversity.
The swamps, lagoons, channels and flood plains of wetland areas are home to a vast array of bird life. In the north, their numbers swell to the thousands after the wet season when the wetlands come into their own.
If you have never visited the north in the wet, or are yet to be convinced about the beauty of our wetlands, you should take the time during this International Year of Biodiversity to discover some of the beauty of Australia.
Join our trip to Cape York, visit Conservation Volunteers Australia to join one of their projects, or perhaps just take a 10-minute virtual tour of the Ramsar listed wetlands in the Coburg Peninsula!
To find out more about wetlands, including this week’s celebrations of World Wetlands Day visit, visit this website.
On World Wetlands Day during the International Year of Biodiversity, inspire yourself and others by learning a little bit more about the world around you.
View GALLERY: Australia’s wetlands.