100,000 native trees and shrubs to be planted across the country each year

By AG STAFF 4 November 2020
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Banrock Station in partnership with Landcare Australia looks to a greener, cleaner future.

In a major win for the environment, 100,000 natives will planted annually around Australia from January 2021.

Banrock Station, nestled on the River Murray a two-hour drive north-east of Adelaide, has partnered with Landcare Australia to undertake a monumental planting project that will support biodiversity and wildlife habitats, clean air and water, while responding to the impacts of a changing climate and deforestation.

Banrock Station has an impressive track record when it comes to conservation. In 2014 a program to save the critically-endangered native spiny daisy was established at Banrock. Once believed to be extinct, the daisy is now blooming across the station and other parts of SA’s Riverland. The dedicated restoration of the station’s wetlands has also led to an increase in visitation and breeding by the eastern regent parrot, which is listed as vulnerable. As well as providing vital habitat to the regent parrot, Banrock also hosts 190 bird species, including the black swan, Australian shelduck, grey teal, whistling kite, Eurasian coot, chestnut teal, blue-billed duck, brown quail, red-backed kingfisher and blue-faced honeyeater. 

Banrock’s Ramsar-listed wetland teems with life.

As well as being a wetland, Banrock Station is home to hectares of grapevines, which are used to produce its eco-friendly wine brand. Since its launch in 1995, Banrock has contributed more than $6 million to more than 130 environmental projects in 13 countries.

Banrock Station and Landcare Australia also recently partnered to plant 80,500 trees on the property as part of the Australian Government’s 20 Million Trees Program.

Nicola Paroissien, Head of Global Marketing Core Brands at Accolade Wines (Banrock’s parent company), said: “Sustainability is high on our agenda. We feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment. With every bottle of Banrock Station enjoyed with friends and family, we reinvest a part of the profits to projects that support the environment. So, with every glass, consumers can take comfort that they are supporting a brand that supports the planet.

“Our ongoing commitment to the environment stems from our dedication to restoring and protecting our wetlands and woodlands on Banrock Station, which led to their listing as a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance in 2002. We’re proud to announce this new partnership with Landcare Australia so that we can continue to support the local environment for years to come and make a genuine contribution to global conservation.”

Dr Shane Norrish, CEO at Landcare Australia, said: “We have worked closely with Banrock Station for many years on projects, and this new partnership will help us to continue restoring our valuable natural assets and native habitat through planting hundreds of thousands of trees and shrubs for native animals and local communities. Investing in healthy landscapes is important for our environment as trees and shrubs recycle the oxygen we breathe, filter the water we drink, provide habitat for iconic and endangered wildlife, and sequester carbon, all while supporting the wellbeing of local communities too.”

8km of walkways, including dedicated bird hides, mean you can enjoy Banrock Station’s wetlands from many vantage points.

About Accolade Wines
The leading Australian company began winemaking in 1853 and has since launched an outstanding portfolio of wines. The range includes wines from the New World winemaking regions and the brands reflect the strength and diversity of their heritage. For more information visit Accolade Wines.

About Banrock Station
Banrock Station’s mission is to do good and produce honest, great tasting wine that doesn’t cost the earth. Since 1995, Banrock Station has been dedicated to restoring its surrounding Ramsar accredited wetlands, providing a haven for more than 17,000 native plants, animals and threatened birds. Find out more here.

About Landcare Australia
Landcare Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation that has been engaging communities in sustainable land management and conservation activities for more than 30 years. Find out more here.