Australian university to offer free natural history illustration course online

THE UNIVERSITY OF Newcastle will be offering a free online natural history illustration course beginning on 14 August.
The introductory course will run for six weeks, with three to six hours of lessons per week, and will include lessons on observational drawing, field sketching and recording techniques.
The latter half of the course will focus on understanding plant and animal anatomy, and the final week is dedicated to creating the perfect finished product.
The university also offers a three-year Bachelor of Natural History Illustration degree, which they say equips students to move into careers in areas including archaeology, botanics and conservation.
The course will be taught by Andrew Howells, the convenor of the Bachelor of Natural History Illustration program at the university, and Bernadette Drabsch, the program’s lecturer.
No prior knowledge of natural history illustration is required to participate in the course. “Step by step, we will cover the fundamentals of Natural History Illustration, from the first observation of a subject in the field to the final replication in the studio,” the course description says.
For more information or to enrol, click here.