AG Reader Photo of the Week: Horse Paddock Lagoon
“The Macquarie Marshes is a Ramsar site and a BirdLife Key Biodiversity Area, part of which is devoted to a NPWS Nature Reserve at the downstream end of the Macquarie River catchment. The lagoon is opposite the Hall family homestead on the Carinda Road, one and a half hours north of Warren on the Western Plains of NSW,” says Chris.
“This photo is of a special sunset experience that was part of a September field trip to the Macquarie Marshes to witness the results of an Office of Environment and Heritage environmental flow release from Burrendong Dam into the Macquarie River for Marsh replenishment. Our Dubbo Field Naturalist group was hosted by local grazing family Garry and Leanne Hall. Most of our group headed for the homestead late in the day but I took our group back to the lagoon, which we had visited early on the same day, on the suspicion of a great sunset and some good photography. They were pleased I did. I was pleased I did.”