Frog in the frond

By AG STAFF 26 April 2016
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A Lesueur’s tree frog takes refuge in a palm frond.

This week’s reader photo was taken by Brodie James in Queensland.

“This Lesueur’s Tree Frog (Litoria lesueurii) was found in an old pool area with another group of five frogs of the same species. The other five, however, were sitting on the step in the pool so they didn’t make for any good photo opportunities.

“On the plus side, they were perched close to a couple of egg clusters that are believed to be from those frogs, and there were also Lesueur’s tadpoles swimming around.

“After observing the frogs for a short while, my friend and I decided to leave them alone, and as we were walking out we noticed this little one on the palm frond.

“The lighting used was a torch instead of a flash as this allowed me to isolate the frog from all the other green scenery that would have been in the image,” says Brodie.

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